
Windows 10 , Version 1511 (Updated Apr 2016)

微軟對於Windows 10的用戶真的照顧的無微不至,原始RTM之後,2015年11月釋出TH2版(1511),還有2016年2月也有新的整合安裝光碟

而被暱稱為Windows 10.1的RedStone版,網路上傳聞也即將在7月底~八九月推出,會不會有6月封裝版,就看微軟屆時的狀況了

Windows 10 Enterprise, Version 1511 (Updated Apr 2016) (x86) - DVD (Chinese-Taiwan)
發行日期: 2016/5/24
檔案大小: 3111 MB
檔案名稱: tw_windows_10_enterprise_version_1511_updated_apr_2016_x86_dvd_8712628.iso
語言: Chinese - Taiwan

Windows 10 Enterprise, Version 1511 (Updated Apr 2016) (x64) - DVD (Chinese-Taiwan)
發行日期: 2016/5/24
檔案大小: 4162 MB
檔案名稱: tw_windows_10_enterprise_version_1511_updated_apr_2016_x64_dvd_8710047.iso
語言: Chinese - Taiwan

Windows 10 Education, Version 1511 (Updated Apr 2016) (x86) - DVD (Chinese-Taiwan)
發行日期: 2016/5/24
檔案大小: 3102 MB
檔案名稱: tw_windows_10_education_version_1511_updated_apr_2016_x86_dvd_8713270.iso
語言: Chinese - Taiwan

Windows 10 Education, Version 1511 (Updated Apr 2016) (x64) - DVD (Chinese-Taiwan)
發行日期: 2016/5/24
檔案大小: 4167 MB
檔案名稱: tw_windows_10_education_version_1511_updated_apr_2016_x64_dvd_8714370.iso
語言: Chinese - Taiwan

Windows 10 (Multiple Editions), Version 1511 (Updated Apr 2016) (x86) - DVD (Chinese-Taiwan)
發行日期: 2016/5/24
檔案大小: 3299 MB
檔案名稱: tw_windows_10_multiple_editions_version_1511_updated_apr_2016_x86_dvd_8738692.iso
語言: Chinese - Taiwan

Windows 10 (Multiple Editions), Version 1511 (Updated Apr 2016) (x64) - DVD (Chinese-Taiwan)
發行日期: 2016/5/24
檔案大小: 4374 MB
檔案名稱: tw_windows_10_multiple_editions_version_1511_updated_apr_2016_x64_dvd_8731639.iso
語言: Chinese - Taiwan

Windows 10 Language Pack, Version 1511 (x86 and x64) - DVD (Multiple Languages)
發行日期: 2015/11/12
檔案大小: 2903 MB
Windows 10 Language Pack, Version 1511 can only be applied on Windows 10 Pro, Version 1511, Windows 10 Enterprise, Version 1511, Windows 10 Education, Version 1511. Technical Documentation available here: Language Packs (lp.cab), Add Language Interface Packs to Windows.

Windows 10 Language Packs are additional language options available through Windows Update. Language packs allow users to change the interface to a language of their choice. This download allows organizations to pre-configure Windows 10 installation software with these language packs prior to deployment. This download can also be used to install language packs from local media.

檔案名稱: mu_windows_10_language_pack_version_1511_x86_x64_dvd_7224763.iso
語言: English, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hebrew, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese-Brazil, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Serbian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Chinese - Hong Kong SAR, Chinese - Taiwan, Chinese - Simplified, Portuguese-Portugal




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